Bookmark These Dates!

A Poetry Reading with Mai Der Vang
We're thrilled to be vending at this special reading, celebrating works that have captured hearts and accolades, including the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize and an American Book Award.
Don't miss your chance to delve into primordial worlds of 'Yellow Rain', 'PRIMORDIAL' and 'Afterland.' available for purchase at our booth.
This event is graciously supported by the Teaching, Learning, and Campus Life Committee of Pitzer College
Yellow Rain is Available on Audio via
Broad Center Performance Space
Pitzer College
1050 N. Mills AvenueClaremont, CA 91711
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Free and open to the Public

Chukaruka is be a vendor at the Storyteller's Poetry, Art, & Film Festival at Pitzer College
The annual Storyteller's Poetry, Art, & Film Festival is an event hosted by Pitzer's Community Engagement Center, Writing Center, and collaboration between faculty, students and community members to bring a day of art, music, poetry, film, food and arts and craft vendors and more!
Saturday, April 5th
Pitzer College
1050 N Mills Ave, Claremont, CA 91762